The North Carolina College of Emergency Physicians (NCCEP) is a chartered chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians. NCCEP is a diverse group of practicing emergency physicians, including academicians, private practice physicians, large groups, small groups, individual physicians, board certified, non-board certified, rural, urban, residents, and medical students. David Nelson, MD was the Chapter’s first president, serving from 1972 to 1974. Since that time, over 30 outstanding members have volunteered their time and passion for emergency medicine in service as Chapter President. NCCEP has grown to over 1,000 members statewide and continues to grow each year.


Supports excellence and high quality care in an environment where the rights, safety, and wellness of Emergency Providers are assured.

Mission Statement

To promote excellence in Emergency Medicine and advocate for our emergency physicians, emergency care team, our patients, and the health of North Carolina.


  1. NCCEP supports excellence in the delivery of high quality care in an environment where the rights, safety and wellness of emergency physicians are assured.
  1. NCCEP promotes the highest quality education for emergency care physicians in training to assure that excellent leaders in healthcare continue to develop and be active in advocating for issues in North Carolina.
  1. NCCEP will continue to be a strong advocate for increased access to care and educate the legislature on issues of public health and safety.
  1. NCCEP will advance the values of our national organization and support efforts to grow the emergency workforce to deliver quality, cost-effective health care.
  1. NCCEP will ensure that the emergency department care team remains the safety net for the state’s healthcare system.
  1. NCCEP will strive to be the information source for its members to help promote emergency care.